We all know what the bare necessities are for a profitable rental. A comfy bed, decent sheets, a set of towels, etc. But what about those little secret extras that not only make your life as a host easier but also makes your guests have a more enjoyable stay? Here are ten items you didn't even know you needed but that will make you a super host in no time.
Luggage Racks
This might seem like something only found in old-time hotels but you don’t know what you are missing. Think about it, guests drag their luggage through dirty airports and streets which gets their luggage covered in grit and grime. They then check into your beautiful rental and put their dirty luggage on your bed, dresser, and maybe even your desk. No one likes to bend down to the floor to unpack. Do you really want that nasty luggage on your freshly cleaned sheets? Or denting your perfectly chosen desk and dresser? Uh, no. Instead, give your guests a clear and obvious place to put their luggage. Get a couple of luggage racks and have them set up at the foot of the bed. They make your rental look professional while, in reality, they are saving your furniture from being destroyed.
Quality Shower Head
Have you ever traveled all day, pulled into a motel, and the first thing you want to do is take a nice hot shower? You flip on the water and, sadly, a measly trickle of water dribbles out of the shower head. How disappointed are you? Now you feel gross and annoyed, looking for what else is wrong with this stinking room you're staying in for the night. Whereas, if you had turned on the water and a nice strong hot stream gushed out, those positive ions would have been flowing and you would be excited to be there. A good shower head can make up for a bathroom's shortcomings. And, a nice strong stream of hot water can go a long way to ensuring you receive a 5-star review.
Air Diffuser
How a place smells is often the first thing a guest notices about a rental. If the room smells dank or musky, they will be instantly put off, even if everything looks perfect. An Air Diffuser can help deal with all manner of olfactory sins. Sometimes a super messy guest means you have to bust out extra cleaning supplies. And, do you really want your next guests getting blasted with the smell of cleaning chemicals? Or, every once in a while, you will get a guest that thinks perfume is meant to be worn by the bottle. Now your rental reeks of Ode de Butt Stank. This is where the Air Diffuser saves the day. Add some water, a few drops of essential oils, flip it on before guests arrive, and your place will smell like a spa in no time.
Waterproof Mattress Pad
Boy, oh boy, you are gambling with your mattress if you don’t have a waterproof mattress protector. It’s just a matter of time before something spills, leaks, or trickles onto your bed. Most guests are amazing but it takes just one coffee spill or leaky bladder to ruin a mattress. And once this happens you can't completely get the stain out and your mattress becomes unsanitary. A waterproof mattress pad saves you the heartache and expense of replacing a soiled mattress. Just pull off the waterproof pad, throw some stain remover on, run it through the wash, and you are good to go for the next guest. This is the insurance policy you need for your mattresses! Get one right now before something bad happens.
Bulk Toiletries
The Short Term Rental market is getting more competitive every month and guests are expecting more and more. To stay competitive, you need to find ways to give more but costs you little. Hooking your guests up with shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and other toiletries, if done right, can cost pennies per guest but lead to dozens of extra bookings. The trick here is buying these items in bulk. Set out a nice looking soap container for guests to use and then refill with a bulk bottle of soap as needed. This saves you from running to the store to buy a new bottle and it costs less. Also, make sure you take some pictures of these extras and put them in your listing. Check out these soaps and shampoos!
Pestemal Blanket
These Turkish Pestemal Blankets are a hidden gem for hosts. They are a simple way to add a pop of color and style to your rental. They look luxurious and high-end yet are still easy to clean. But the real secret is that providing extra blankets will save you money while making you look like a thoughtful host. Everyone judges hot or cold differently so your guests are going to want to fiddle with the thermostat if you don’t give them another alternative. In cold climates, providing extra blankets can keep guests from cranking the heat up to 90 degrees. And, in warmer climates, providing a lightweight alternative to the bed comforter keeps them from turning it down to 60 degrees. Guests don't care about your electric bill. They just want to feel warmer or colder right away so they will push your thermostat to extremes. Give them an alternative to messing with your thermostat by having several of these blankets available throughout your rental.
Microfiber Cloths
I am sure you have cleaned with paper towels, old rags, sponges, and you might have even have used the old newspaper on a mirror trick. But, let me tell you, all those pale in comparison to cleaning with a Microfiber cloth. I know this is starting to sound like a 2 am infomercial but Microfiber cloths just make cleaning easier. They don’t leave streaks behind and they clean more surfaces than a paper towel. They really can cut down on your cleaning time. Given how often hosts have to clean their rentals, that time will really start to add up.

Organic, Eco-Friendly Cleaning Supplies & Toiletries
On a busy week, you might clean your rental 3 or 4 times. That is a lot of harsh cleaning chemicals to be using to clean your space. Why not save yourself from the unnecessary exposure and go with some quality organic products? Also, if you use eco-friendly products to clean or provide organic toiletries to your guests, make sure to include that in your rental listing. It just might be the thing that convinces a guest to book.
The last thing you want is for a guest to get hurt while they are staying with you. And, the most likely way for them to get hurt is slipping on a wet floor after taking a shower. You need to spend the couple extra bucks and get a bath mat. They will absorb excess water caused by the shower and provide grip for a secure footing. Looking for a bath mat? Check these out!
Platform Bed
Technically, any bed frame will work for a rental but a platform bed frame is uniquely suited for the needs of Short Term Rentals. They don’t require a box spring which saves you money and there is one less item that can get damaged. Platform beds also tend to be more durable than traditional metal frames. And, they are lower to the ground which will make a room feel bigger and more open. Most importantly, platform beds photograph well. Everybody that books with you will be doing so because of the pictures in your rental listing. Make those pictures count! Choose furniture that photographs well so it's easier to get amazing pics.
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